Southern Kettle Off Road Riders (SKORR) is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to sustainable trail riding. Our efforts are 100% member and donor funded. Along with our volunteers, we have a dedicated group of individuals on the Board.


  • Board

    Group ride August 2033. Left to Right, Mike, Ariel, Ronny, Dustin, Mark, Chuck, Lance, Kim, & Chad.

  • Ariel Schoeninger

    Board President

    I grew up in La Grange and have been riding bikes on the trails since 1992. I have watched my family and friends commit countless hours to developing and maintaining the mountain bike trails over the decades and finally reached a point in my life that giving back was the option. I am absolutely honored to be part of the Board for SKORR and cannot wait to see what we will be able to accomplish in the years to come with the support of the DNR and the mountain bike community.

    My husband Harry and I live in Wales with our 2 dogs and enjoy spending time outside, riding bikes, hiking, paddle boarding, and eating delicious food.

  • Lance Horozewski

    Vice President

    I am part of SKORR because I have a passion for the Southern Kettles mountain bike trail network and love riding the trails throughout the year. I started riding the Southern Kettles trails with my son back in 2013 and never stopped coming back. My goal as Vice President is to support the development of SKORR which in turn will support the sustainability of the Southern Kettle’s trail system.

  • Dustin Rodarmel


    I love riding bikes, and think that we have something really special here in the Southern Kettles of Wisconsin. I enjoy exploring the bike trails and communities with my wife and daughters. I spent the better part of my 20s building mountains bike trails, working with the land owners, the National Forest, IMBA, Ski Resort/Bike Parks and progressive trail building companies in Colorado, my goal is to both preserve and continue legacy of mountain biking here in Wisconsin.

  • Mark Myszkewicz

    John Muir Trail Boss

    I've been trail riding since I was a kid looking for trouble and have lived and ridden in WI, South in FL, West in Hawaii, and East in Connecticut. I was heavily involved in trail clubs while living in Florida and spend as much time in the woods as I can, mowing, chainsawing, mapping, and riding now that I'm back in WI. I joined SKORR in part because I also volunteer for Wisconsin Bike Patrol and I'm interested in increasing the awareness, and improving the mapping, of the many miles of Emergency Access trails in the Kettles. I also want to ensure the trails are consistently maintained so all can enjoy their ride and we continue to grow as a mountain bike destination.

  • Chad Evertt

    Connector Trail Boss

    Chad’s been riding bikes through the woods since the early 90’s. Having worked in recreation and trail building while living on the East Coast it was only natural to start volunteering with trail maintenance in the Southern Kettles, Home trails for nearly a decade now. When not cutting brush and mowing the prairies of the Connector Trail he can be found coaching with the local NICA team, Southern Kettles Composite.

  • Chuck Killmer

    Emma Carlin Trail Boss

    I am 69 years old and an avid mountain biker. I started mountain biking in the early 90’s. I got involved with helping the trail crew at the John Muir Trail about 13 years ago. After a couple of years working with the trail crew at the John Muir Trail, I started concentrating my trail efforts on the Emma Carlin Trail system. I, along with a couple of volunteers, focused on clearing downed trees and some small trail repairs.

    I live near the trails with my wife, Chris. We both enjoy hiking, skiing, kayaking and mountain biking. I also enjoy gardening, bee keeping, and I do some wood carving in my spare time.

  • Mike Seiler

    Equipment Coordinator

    Since I have been an active member with the local trail clubs including Metro MTB and SKMSF trail crews I thought it was a natural next step to join SKORR as the Tool Guy. I spend much of my spare time remediating trails, clearing fallen trees and working with the various clubs and volunteers to secure the future of our MTB trails. I am also a long-time member of the WI Cycling League having joined the NICA community in 2013 as a parent, coach and supporter. I will focus a bit less on coaching in 2024 to make room for the many other volunteer and advocacy priorities.

    Staying tightly connected to the WI League and our local trail support organizations is motivation in itself and enough to keep me very busy when not riding, kayaking camping or some combination of all three.

    Favorite trail: The one interspersed with familiar friendly smiles of fellow bikers and which provides a physical challenge.

  • Kimberly Myszkewicz


    I've been a roadie for over 20 years and started dipping my cleats into mountain biking about 8 years ago. I learned to ride at Muir and consider it my mountain bike home. I joined SKORR because I want other people, especially women and kids, to feel empowered by the skills learned and confidence gained out on the trails. For that to continue and grow, the trails need to do the same! And added bonus, I get to spend more time with my husband.

  • Ronny Zastrow

    Marketing & Memberships

    I like long rides through the woods. A lifelong 2 wheeled enthusiast, who never crashes.

    Jorts and vans are the best cycling garb.